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  4. Editing Video in Panopto

Editing Video in Panopto

Panopto has a basic video editor that allows you to remove sections of video. The video must be fully processed in Panopto with a thumbnail showing before you can edit it.

  1. Hover over the thumbnail of the video you wish to trim, click the Edit button.
Panopto video thumbnail -edit button
  1. Make sure the the Cut tool is selected.
Panopto Editor-cut tool
  1. Click and drag in the timeline area to highlight the areas you wish to cut.  Areas highlighted in gray will not be visible once you apply changes to the video.
Panopto Video Editor-highlighted sections in the timeline will not be visible
  1. Click the Apply button to save the changes.
Panopto Editor Apply button
  1. Click Ok to leave the editor.
Panopto editor-apply changes alert box
  1. Panopto will reprocesses the video with the changes.  Depending on the length of the video this may take a few minutes.
Updated on August 2, 2023
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