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  4. Editing Video on a PC with Clipchamp

Editing Video on a PC with Clipchamp

Clipchamp is an online video editor owned by Microsoft. It replaces previous Microsoft editing applications, including Windows MovieMaker and Windows Video Editor.

This program works best in the Microsoft Edge browser.

Accessing Clipchamp

Clipchamp does work on a Mac, but the first time you open the application, you must do so using the Edge browser. This allows the automatic creation of the “Videos” and “Clipchamp” folders on your OneDrive. Once these folders have been created, you can access Clipchamp on a Mac using Chrome.

  1. Open Microsoft Edge. (While Clipchamp does work in Chrome, you may run into issues, particularly the first time you try to log into the program.)
  2. Go to https://www.office.com/
  3. Click the Sign in button.
  4. Enter your Gettysburg Email address and click the Next button.
  5. If prompted, choose the Work or school account option.
  6. Enter your Gettysburg password and click the Sign in button.
  7. Click the App Launcher (checkboard icon) in the upper left corner of the window to reveal a list of available applications.
Microsoft 365 App Launcher
  1. Choose Clipchamp.

Creating a New Clipchamp Project

  1. Click the Create New Blank Video option.
  2. Enter a distinct name for your project by clicking in the Video Project title area.

Clipchamp creates a series of folders in your Microsoft OneDrive online storage based on the Project name. While video files are processed locally on your computer, the application will save the project file and upload copies of your video assets to the OneDrive folder location. Naming the project makes it easier for you to find your project and associated video files.

ClipChamp window with Video Project title area highlighted
  1. Clipchamp creates a project file on your OneDrive account in the following location: My files >Videos > Clipchamp > Project Name . Copies of imported project assets (including video, audio, and images) are saved in the Assets folder inside of the Project Name folder.
  2. Click the Import Media button to select and upload videos to your video project.
  3. An upload message appears as the video copies are uploading. While you can start editing before this process is complete, make sure the upload process is complete before closing the Clipchamp app, otherwise your video backup files will not be saved to your OneDrive account.
  4. Editing video is as simple as dragging the video to the timeline.
  5. For specific instructions on editing in Clipchamp, click the Help question mark (?) in the upper right corner of the screen.
ClipChamp Help menu button

Saving a Clipchamp Project as a Video File

Before you can upload your Clipchamp project to YouTube, Panopto, or another website, you must export the project as a self-contained movie file (usually a MP4 file). Clipchamp project files will work only inside of Clipchamp. A project file is not a video file.

  1. To save the project as an MP4 file, click the Export button.
ClipChamp Export Button
  1. Enter a File Name and click the Export button.
ClipChamp export settings window
  1. Clipchamp creates the MP4 video file and saves it to your OneDrive location: My files > Videos > Clipchamp > Project Name > Exports
ClipChamp Exports folder location in OneDrive

More Clipchamp Resources

Updated on August 19, 2024
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